
A completely free to use Birthday bot for your Discord server.

Add to your server!


Easy to use.

Completely free to use! No paid features.

Per-server upcoming birthday leaderboard (/next-birthdays).

Hide your birthday from servers you want it to be hidden in (your birthday won't appear in servers that you aren't in and that the bot is).

Server owners are able to setup the bot in their preferred timezone.

Will wish happy birthday to the user once its 12AM in the server's preferred timezone.

And more!


To check out what commands the bot has please do /help on a server that the bot is in.

At the moment we only support German and English. If you want to help translate the bot into different languages please contact me on Discord (rio__).

If you'd like to suggest a new feature please join the Discord server. I would love to add more features!

You most likely have entered the wrong timezone. A valid timezone would be Europe/London, Europe/Berlin etc. You can check for your timezone ID here.